Aantekeningen |
- "Just before my mom and dad were married (1939) Mom found out she had tuberculosis, and had to go to a sanitarium (which may have been in Dubuque, Iowa). She told my dad he didn't have to marry her, but he did anyway."
"When farming with her husband she especially enjoyed cooking, sewing, tending her large garden (fresh vegetable soup cooked over an open fire was great!) and tending her chickens. In the late 1950s worked as the salad girl at the Red Cedar Lounge in Freeport. Then went to work at Micro Switch, Freeport, until her retirement. Loved fishing and traveling."
from the Journal Standard, March 23, 1939: "This afternoon at 1 o'clock, at the Second Presbyterian manse, Miss Catherine Dinley was united in marriage to Richard TerHark. Rev. Brainerd N. Covert was the officiating clergyman.
"The bride wore an ensemble of Mignon blue crepe, with corsage of spring flowers. The bride's father, Thomas Dinley, and Miss Jennie TerHark, sister of the groom, were the attendants.
"Richard TerHark is employed by Mr. and Mrs. Willard B. Hance on their farm "Green Gables" and he and his bride will live on the farm.
"A dinner for relatives of the two families will be served at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry TerHark this evening."
(My note: I remember mom saying that the Hance's said when they got married they weren't to have children while working there ... so they didn't have me till 1941. ... this farm was behind where "Culvers" is in Freeport now, June 2000.)
from a newspaper clipping: A post-nuptial shower was given Wednesday night for Mrs. Richard TerHark, nee Catherine Dinley, by Mrs. Henry TerHark and Miss Jennie TerHark at the home of the former. Bunco and checkers were played with favors going to Miss Burness Kampen and George TerHark, the guest prize being presented to Mrs. TerHark who also received a variety of pretty and useful gifts. Refreshments were enjoyed at midnight.
August 18, 1930: "The Misses Catherine Dinley and Lillian Jones, 127 1/2 E. Stephenson Street, leave tonight on a two weeks motor trip through the Black Hills of South Dakota."
While returning from Green Bay, Wis. with other employees of the Kraft-Phenix Company of this city, Miss Catherine Dinley, 27, 214 1/2 W. Main street, was severely injured Sunday near Waukesha, Wisc., when an auto in which she was riding ran into a ditch. She suffered a fractured pelvis, numerous bruises and cuts and also suffered from shock. Other occupants of the car were not injured. Miss Dinley was removed to Waukesha Municipal Hospital, where she will remain for some time.
According to reports received here the Freeporters were crowded off the highway by another car with the result that their machine turned over several times and was badly damaged.
(My note: If I remember correctly she was in a body cast for three months in Waukesha)
from a Waukesha paper: "Catherine Dinley, Freeport, IL, sustained a fractured pelvis in an accident occurring Sunday near the Waukesha-Walworth county line. She was brought here for treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dinley, West Avon Street, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dinley, West Moseley Street and Jack Baldwin motored to Waukesha, Wis. Sunday to spend the day with Miss Kathryn (misspelled) Dinley who has been a patient at the Waukesha Municipal hospital since the 11th of august, when she suffered two fractures of the pelvis and a spinal injury in a motor accident.
November 13, 1935: Miss Catherine Dinley, Freeport, who has been a patient at Waukesha, Wis. Municipal Hospital since August 11, as a result of injuries incurred in an automobile accident, was operated on Wednesday for appendicitis. She is reported to be doing nicely.
November 24, 1935: Miss Catherine Dinley has returned to her home, 214 1/2 West Main Street. She had been in a Waukesha, Wis., hospital since August 11th recovering from an automobile accident and is getting along nicely at present.
DINLEY -- I wish to thank everyone for cards, letters, flowers and presents I received while at the Waukesha, Wis. hospital and at home. --
Catherine Dinley